As you may have heard, the State of Texas is having a standoff with the Federal government over the Mexican border. Texas put up barbed wire, the Feds cut the barbed wire, the US Supreme Court gave an opinion unfavorable to common sense, Texas elected to ignore the Supreme Court’s ruling, the Biden administration threaten consequences if Texas didn’t remove the “obstructions” by January 26th, and as of January 31st literally nothing has happened.
I could have a unique opinion on this subject, throwing in my own two cents. However, many of my peers and betters have already said such things in far more eloquent ways. I would just be parroting what I have heard if I were to try my hand at putting my own thoughts down in this essay. So, I have decided that I will directly refer you to the intelligent essays I have discovered. I have read them and (mostly) agree with them. Why bother saying the same thing a different way when I can direct you straight to the source?
Photo courtesy of
Firstly, we encounter The Forest Rebellion’s take on the situation:
The Forest Rebel shows an excerpt of Governor Abbott’s declaration of invasion. I’ve seen many boomercons decry Biden for violating the Constitution over the past four years. While I certainly agree that he is definitely violating the spirit of the Constitution, many people are at a loss when it comes to citing specific clauses of the famous document that have been flagrantly violated. Liberals usually manipulate the Constitution by saying it requires things it doesn’t, as opposed to flagrantly opposing its prohibitions. The closest liberals get to blatantly ignoring constitutional provisions is the occasional (and usually futile) attempt to usurp the right to keep and bear arms. The usual constitutional distortion is to say that the equal protection clause, due process clause, and other vague clauses (maybe even implied penumbras) mandate whatever the progressive fad of the day is, because legal equality = communism[1].
However, Governor Abbott’s declaration is far more condemning of Biden’s actions. Instead of the usual hand-wringing over gun politics, Abbot cites the guarantee clause where the United States “shall protect each of them against Invasion”[2] and cites Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, which says that (without Congressional consent) a State can engage in war if “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”[3] This is the same clause that allows for States to enter into compacts with other States, with the consent of Congress. To me the text seems to imply that an individual State can go to war if it has the Congress’ consent; because it says that a State cannot go to war unless it has Congress’ consent or is “actually invaded” or “in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”. It would be interesting to think of situations in which Congress would allow an individual State to go to war, and I think the “in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay” is a good standard that could be used to prevent our armed forces from engaging in unofficial military conflicts, but our attention for this article focuses on the “actually invaded” part.
The Forest Rebel gives three options: either the Feds stand down, Texas stands down, or neither stand down.
As for the path forward, Theophilus Chilton of “The Neo-Ciceronian Times” has an idea:
Of course, the regime can’t just bomb conservative States and militarily occupy them, that would accelerate the erosion of their legitimacy, nor can they give up as that would signal weakness and embolden the opposition. The answer seems to be cranking up the propaganda about being “compassionate” to children and women (who are probably being human trafficked because of the open border). Of course, if liberals were loving, they would be pointing people to Jesus like crazy. Instead you see the opposite. If God is love, then liberals who actively lead people away from God are unloving and downright hateful. You occasionally get a glimpse of their wrathful insanity in relation to their object of hatred: Donald Trump’s voters. Between Kathy Griffin’s mock decapitation, NYC’s Shakespeare in the Park having a Trump-like Cæsar (who gets assassinated in Shakespeare’s play), or that time a Disney producer (Jack Morrissey) fantasized about murdering Trump supporters with a woodchipper[4]; you might get a clue as to how dark their hearts truly are. If you think about it, these people support the murder of innocent babies, so it should not be a surprise if they also want to be violent with adult political opponents that are a threat to their power. While it remains to be seen how crazy normie liberals can or will get, I think it is very clear that the woke progressives are downright homicidal toward the dreaded orange man and his client groups.
As John Carter of the “Postcards From Barsoom” alludes to in “There’s a Crown Lying in the Gutter”, the importation of military age men in addition to photo-friendly women and children, could be a ploy by the establishment to raise an army of foreigners to kill any rebellious nationalists on behalf of the establishment.
As the Tree of Woe contemplates on the “Contemplations on the Tree of Woe”, the mere presence of immigrants causes the districts that receive them to have more electoral power because the census counts everyone, not just voting citizens. Tree of Woe draws parallels between our modern situation and the days of the three-fifths compromise.
Personally, I think this is why Trump wanted the citizenship question on the Census, and why the establishment relentlessly fought to have that fail. It was not just the 2020 election that was rigged, but the 2020 census was also rigged.
William Hunter Duncan of “Born on the Fourth of July” provides some common sense on how nations need boundaries, just like how people do:
Towards the end of the article, Duncan shows a clip of Dick Durbin proposing that illegal immigrants could help our military’s recruiting shortfall. The terror of how demented our upper class is, has been starkly documented in these two articles by Rob Henderson and the Tree of Woe:
There are a lot of similarities between the contemporary United States; and a flailing, dying empire. Auron MacIntyre of “The Total State” shows how the establishment wants a military that is loyal to the regime over the people:
This can be readily accomplished by having a different people in the military than the constituent people of the homeland.
But there is still hope. Conundrum Cluster believes that if things don’t get too crazy, Trump will get re-elected and we can begin to fix our country:
As for a civil war or national divorce, the regime can use that as a pretext to make conservatism illegal, so be careful what you wish for.
As for what the Texas National Guard and Border Patrol will do to each other, it will probably be nothing. These are the same kinds of people on the same team. As Chris Bray of “Tell Me How This Ends” examines, civil strife has happened before in the US, and the soldiers always side with their families:
I am not sure if Chris Bray is aware of this, but Federalist No. 29, by Publius, covers the same topic of how the militia is a safeguard of liberty because it is composed of the sons and brothers of the people. The historical events that Bray recounts play out exactly as Publius said they would.
As for cranking up the sympathy propaganda by the legacy media, Theophilus Chilton of “The Neo-Ciceronian Times” has another insightful article:
Of course, as per usual, leftists obfuscate being compassionate towards an individual with harmful self-defeating policies that hurt everyone. If leftists didn’t lie all the time, they wouldn’t be tolerated by the rest of the public. The people who have disdain for Christianity in public life will suddenly say that the most Christian thing possible is to tolerate an illegal invasion (and the human trafficking that comes with it). Before you have a bleeding heart for the media props at the border, you have to think about ‘is this compassionate towards my neighbors’? Am I okay with taking jobs away from the working class and giving it to foreigners? Am I okay with facilitating human trafficking? Am I okay with replacing the current population of the US with a population of aliens?
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”[5]
Good day and Godspeed!
Here is a quirky Paul Gosar video for funsies:
[1] Whether liberals cynically pretend that legal equality mandates communism, or whether legal equality actually leads to communism, is a topic for another day.
[2] US Constitution: Article IV, Section 4.
[3] US Constitution: Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.
[5] 1st Timothy V:8 KJV
"...the regime can’t just bomb conservative States and militarily occupy them."
Abraham Lincoln had a different take on things. Or did he? Was he attacking and invading states of the United States? If so, he was acting illegally, it would seem. But if the states were states of the Confederacy, a foreign nation, then the secession was a fait accompli, and the union was already dissolved, so what was he fighting about?
What am I missing here?