"...the regime can’t just bomb conservative States and militarily occupy them."

Abraham Lincoln had a different take on things. Or did he? Was he attacking and invading states of the United States? If so, he was acting illegally, it would seem. But if the states were states of the Confederacy, a foreign nation, then the secession was a fait accompli, and the union was already dissolved, so what was he fighting about?

What am I missing here?

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This current border struggle is different from the previous American civil war. The Biden regime cannot (at least just yet) just militarily retaliate out of the blue. Of course the media's propaganda tactic is "compassion" for illegal immigrant invaders. They will try to guilt conservatives into not being as aggressive. I highly doubt the more conservative rank-and-file will attack a popular governor doing something they like.

I recognize that anything can and will happen later in 24 and into 25, but until then there will be lots of crocodile tears shed by legacy media. Watch the media cry from now on.

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